I would like to join u to doscuss the below topic.As super classes provide Abstract methods only, then what isthe need of explicitely implementing another class( APART FROM THEVERY COMMON USE OF...MULTIPLE INHERITANCE)
The following statement is not true:"As super classes provide abstract methods only"Super classes can include implementation code as well as abstractmethods. You may be referring to interfaces so I will respond as such.Interfaces let you define a contract which the implementing class isguaranteed to implement. As an example, let's say there is an interfaceStorable with a single method store() and two classes Person andProduct. If both Person and Product implement Storable then you canhave a method such as the save method below and both Person and Productinstances can be passed to this method.public void save(Storable s) {s.store();}In the method you could then call the Storable.store() method as shownin the example above and each object can implement the store()functionality in whatever manner it wants. This is just one of the manyuses of interfaces.