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Help with searching and deleting arrays

  Asked By: Jasmine    Date: Jun 06    Category: Java    Views: 736

this assignment is for school and we arent required to use SQL
code only java.i have a problem i have created a array called
ClntArray that holds the arrays, i have some methods that find the
client also searching them too. but i have trouble writing the code
in the interface tht will access them when a btnSearch, btnDelete,
btnnextClient, btnPrevious, so here is the code that i have in the
interface also the ClntArray please put ur suggestions in as i am
stuk at this point in time

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class Assignment2 extends Applet
implements ActionListener {

private Branch Brh = new Branch ();
private Client Clt = new Client ();
private Account Acc = new Account ();
private Cheque Cheq = new Cheque ();
private EFTCard Eft = new EFTCard();
private ClntArray ctArray = new ClntArray ();

// create an array to hold upto ten branch objects
private Branch branchArray[] = new Branch[10];

// declare and initialise variable to keep count of
// howmany branches
private int branchCount = 0;
// Declare variables for each type of component required for this

// Buttons for client processing
Button btnNewClient, btnUpdateClient, btnDeleteClient;
Button btnSearchClient, btnNextClient, btnPreviousClient;

// Buttons for account and transaction processing
Button btnNewAccount, btnUpdateAccount, btnDeleteAccount;
Button btnSearchAccount, btnNextAccount, btnPreviousAccount;
Button btnNewTranx, btnPrintStatement;

// Buttons for misc processing
Button btnClear;

// declare variables for checkboxes and a checkbox group
Checkbox chequeAccount, EFTAccount;
CheckboxGroup accountType;

// choice list to hold branches that can be selected from
Choice availableBranches;

// labels and textfields for client processing
Label clientHeading;
Label promptSName, promptFName, promptClientPh,
TextField txtSurname, txtFirstname, txtClientPh, txtClientAge,

// labels and textfields for account processing
Label accountHeading, accountTip;
Label promptAccNo, promptAccBalance, promptAccInterest,
TextField txtAccountNo, txtAccountBalance, txtInterestRate,
Label promptTranxAmount, promptSelectBranch;

// general labels and text fields
Label header, footer;
TextArea results;

// panels for client processing
Panel pTextFields, pClientButtons, pClientStuff;

// account processing panels
Panel pAccountFields, pAccountButtons, pAccountStuff;

// miscelaneous panels used for formatting user interface
Panel pTop, pCentre, pBottom, pAllTextFields;
Panel pCheckBoxes, pBranches, pLists;

// variable used to create output string
String msg = "";

/***** init() method
* This method will create all required objects, add them to
the *
* applet, and register interest in events on some objects
through *
* listener
classes *

//the array of clients beta off putn it herer ten trying
// to insert it in the client class

public class ClntArray {
Client ctArray[] = new Client[50];
int ct_count = 0;
Client newct = new Client();

// this will + a client
public void AddClient(Client newclient) {

ctArray[ct_count] = newclient;

// this is to find position client
public int findLoc(String ctNo) {
for (int x = 0; x < ct_count; x++) {
if (ctNo.compareTo(ctArray[x].getClientNo()) == 0)
return x;

return -1 ;
//mean that if the for bit doesnt find something then
//in interface itll say if - 1 'i think'

// method to return client details

public Client getClient(int x) {
return ctArray[x];

// in here i must put a method that will aloow me to delete the client
//look at the webct to get an idea

// this is to find position client n then delete the object array
public int remove(String ctNo) {

for (int x = findLoc(ctNo); x < ct_count -1 ; x++) {

ctArray[x] = ctArray[x + 1];

ctArray[ ct_count - 1] = null;


} //end of class



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