my boss has given me the task of setting up a
IIS web server in mind to direct users to a particular web page.
I've done some investigating but come to a block and dont know
exactly whats wrong/wright with the code.
I'm no ASP developer but have some cold fusion experience.
Here's what I've got (using this guide
<% set varUser = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_USER")
set objAdminGroup=GetObject("NT4://SERVER/mike")
If objAdminGroup.Member("NT4://SERVER/"&varUser) then
response.redirect = "http://SERVER/redirtest/mikehome"
end if %>
Am I correct in thinking NT4 is the winnt dir?
Here's a deeper, but probably more confusing explaination on what I
am trying to do...
User1 navigates over internet to they are presented with a User/Pass box
now depending on what authenticated user they provide should
determine where the go
so User1 gets directed to
and User2 gets sent to
I hope this is possible and that some of you will help me out.
Thanks in advance,