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Freemind Java problem

  Date: Dec 12    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 541

I know I should know how to do this, but even with the help of the
Almighty Oracle (Google, in case you're wondering ;-) ), I can't, so...

I'm trying to run a later version of Freemind than the one in the
repositories (0.9.0 beta 18 - because I need to work on mind maps
created in that version and they aren't compatible with version
0.7.1-6ubuntu3) and, provided I have Sun Java 6 and *only* Sun Java 6
installed, it works fine (I presume it would work OK with Sun Java 5 as
well, but haven't tried).

However, I need to use Eclipse, which installs a non-Sun Java. This
non-Sun version is detected by Freemind, which then refuses to run.

My question is this - how can I force Freemind to use Sun Java while
keeping the non-Sun Java Eclipse wants on my system?



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