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What is an executable?

  Date: Dec 12    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 590

Would someone please explain to this semi-newbie how an executable
file is labeled in Linux? I started with Ubuntu 5.10, soon reinstalled
Ubuntu 7.10, then upgraded to 8.04, and now 8.10, and am using Linux
well (though I keep a Windows box at work where I've needed to do some
things I haven't set up yet under Linux, for example, scan, print, run
a few programs I've come to depend on that I haven't got around to
trying under Wine). Recently I installed Edubuntu 8.04 LTSP at work
and now I'd like to be able to print from Linux, too.

In the Open Office Help for printers, for example, there is this:

Call the printer administration program spadmin as follows:
Change to the {install_path}/program directory.
Enter: ./spadmin

I ran this:

myself@ubuntu:~$ locate spadmin

The text script spadmin doesn't contain the text string "spadmin.bin"
so I wonder what the relationship between them is and how the binary
would be called from the script.

Anyway I accidentally pasted this line, including the end-of-line,
into my terminal while in my home directory:

myself@ubuntu:~$ /usr/lib/openoffice/program/spadmin

The spadmin program ran. I changed to the directory
/usr/lib/openoffice/program/ which as I understood was
what I'd been instructed to do in Help, and ran this

myself@ubuntu:/usr/lib/openoffice/program$ spadmin
bash: spadmin: command not found

I tried again with this, which, specifically, is what
Help says to do:

myself@ubuntu:/usr/lib/openoffice/program$ ./spadmin
bash: spadmin: command not found

So I tried this:


The program ran again. One, it's not running in the
way Help seems to be telling me it should run, that
is, it doesn't run with the "spadmin" command alone,
or with "./spadmin" even when I issue the command
from within the directory. Under DOS if a command
is issued that refers to an executable not in the
PATH then it won't run unless the command is issued
from within the directory containing the executable.
That's as I understand is the case in Linux too,
though I haven't yet learned about this. Why did it
not run?

Two, the program DID run when the command I issued
included the path to it along with the command
itself -- and it did so from my home directory as
well as from the program directory. Why?

Related to these two questions: is there a PATH in
Linux like there is under DOS/Windows, a collection
of paths that ash or bash will use to search for
an executable?

Three, this script file called spadmin does not
anywhere refer explicitly to the file spadmin.bin
and I'm curious what the relationship between them
might be. Under DOS and Windows only files with
certain file extensions will run as executables
(unless some odd hacks are applied). Under DOS we
had .com files and .bat files for OS scripts. Then
came .exe and under Windows there are various file
extensions involved including .dll, etc., and there
are things like .scr for screensavers, whatever.

Under Linux it seems as if the file extension is not
a factor the same way as it is under DOS/Windows.
I know this also because when I click (Gnome) on
almost any text file a box pops up asking me whether
I want to display it or run it. What is the first
criterion for a file to be executable? Are there

Under DOS/Win a script file such as a .bat file
is sometimes (but rarely) called; usually however
a compliled binary file such as an .exe file is
the direct executable file. This is the case either
from a terminal window (Win geeks only) or, more
usually, to be clicked from an icon. Under Linux
it seems as if scripts are usually used to call
programs to run.

I've done lots of searching through Linux help
sites and various Google searches, but can't find
anything to answer this fundamental question.



8 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 12    

use WINE its in the the synaptic package

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 12    

One can also use a lot of standalone executables that do not have to be
installed. These are compiled programs made in various programming languages
including Realbasic (I am using the free personal edition). Just double click on
the application and it is running (just like under Windows). If you copy the
program from somewhere else (for example if you get it via email) you first have
to look into Properties, Permissions and check "Allow executing file as
program", otherwise it would not work, due to the security measures in Linux.
The executables made in the Gambas programming environment are not standalone,
they work only if Gambas is installed.
I would recommend both Gambas and Realbasic for building simple programs for
everyday routine tasks, for example if you have a lot to calculate by using a
formula. I would also recommend Yabasic for this purpose and the programs simply
written in Yabasic are indeed very very small.
I am a beginner both in Gambas and Realbasic, as I did not have much time to
Gambas can be installed easily by sudo aptitude install gambas2
There are a few steps where you have to type Y for Yes.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 12    

I've already installed it and (rarely) use it.

My question is:

>> Would someone please explain...how an executable
>> file is labeled in Linux? ...

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 12    

You need to make sure the printer is installed in linux before attempting to
get in going in an app. What is the printer and is it recognised by the os
for instance. Basically if the os doesn't recognise the printer then an app
within the os won't generally either.

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 12    

An exe is of course a dos/windows file, It is a compiled file ready to
be executed by the computer. When I first came over to the Linux
side, this was important to me because I was always looking for the
icon used to start one. Truth is I still use them under wine, but
find my programs under applications on the top bar that run under
linux. The package manager will find and load most applications you
will be using and you can find the applications Icon in that menu at
the top. If you must compile an application not listed in the manager
you will find the Icon you need to start it where you compiled the
application. I have yet to need the Terminal for anything other than
changing the boot order or something requiring sudo privileges. Use
the .deb files when you can, they make life so much easer, and soon
.exe file searches will become a thing of the past. You will remember
how windows wasted time populating lists and like that Linux keeps an
updated list as you load a program, my question about windows is is it
sleeping when you add a program or what? Linux on the otherhand seems
to be there all the time, and time is what it saves. Hang in there
because you will learn a better way to compute using linux.

Answer #6    Answered On: Dec 12    

Linux assigns "permissions" to each file. There are separate
permissions for Read, Write, and eXecution. Permissions are assigned
for the file owner, group members, and others. If you issue the
command ls -al you will see the permissions.

To make a file executable, use the chmod command to set the eXecutable

Answer #7    Answered On: Dec 12    

Or more simply in a terminal ls -a the runnable files will show as green,
this will include windows ones if you have wine installed but they will show
an .exe or .com extention.
Some linux files come as bin files, (probably the closest to a windows
executable) googleearth springs to mind here, and need to be given permission
to run. The best advice is to forget the windows thinking of the executable
program and switch your thinking as to the linux way, you will get a lot
further without that anchor.

Answer #8    Answered On: Dec 12    

What Constitutes an Executable File in Linux
...and what it has to do with permissions

This is written by a Windows/DOS user who migrated
to Linux, who was accustomed to how file extensions
in Windows identify to the operating system the nature
of an executable file. A file such as dosomething.exe
or somethinghelp.dll in Windows is supposed to be
(maybe not: it could have been renamed) executable,
and there is a limited list of filename extensions
that identify a file that contains executable code.
Linux cares nothing about such file extensions; an
executable file in Linux may have any legal filename.

In the header of a file in a Linux volume there are
bits (called file mode bits) that grant nine permissions
settings, of which three have to do with being executable.
The other six have to do with being readable or writable.
Permission means permission (1) to be read, (2) to be
written to or deleted, or (3) for code in the file (if
there is any) to be executed by the Linux kernel as a
command or an application program.

There are three entities who may be granted the above
permissions: (1) the user who owns the file, (2) other
users in the file owner's login group when the file was
created (note: the group can be changed), or (3) other
users not in the group. Each of these three, times any
of the three types of permissions (read, write and
execute), result in nine permissions settings. (There
is an additional bit, the "sticky bit," used rarely
for special situations.)

The resulting configuration of permissions is called
the file mode, and it can be viewed or changed in the
GUI by clicking on a file's Properties --> Permissions.
It can also be viewed in a terminal session with the
file listing command ls, or changed with chmod. The
owner of a file or its group owner may be changed with
chown, or its group with chgrp.

In a terminal window the command ls with parameter -l
shows the bit settings.

ls -l do_something.bin

The above command gives a reading such as this:

-rwxr--r-- 1 george george 28446 Dec 19 10:03 do_something.bin

where "do_something.bin" is the name of an executable
file. George is the file's owner (george is also a group
name). The file extension .bin indicates that it is most
probably a binary file (though, any file could be named
with a .bin extension). Suppose, on the other hand, the
file is a python script, file.py, then:

-rwxr--r-- 1 george george 7420 Dec 19 10:50 do_something_else.py

The file containing Python code would not need to be
named with a .py extension; that's only a naming
convention commonly adhered to. Suppose the file is
a bash script with no extension:

-rwxr--r-- 1 george george 492 Dec 19 11:13 do_something_simple

All three above hypothetical listings begin with ten
columns "-rwxr--r--". The first column tells whether the
file (the entity) is an actual file or a directory or a
symbolic link or a device (Linux lumps all those entities
in the same file listing boat). If it is a hyphen then
the thing is a file; if it is a d then it is a directory
(in Windows that would be called a folder). The next nine
columns show the file permissions settings for user, group,
and other.

columns 2-4 represent the owner's permission settings
columns 5-7 represent the group members' permissions
columns 8-10 represent everyone else's permissions

In all these above examples:

Columns 2-4 are "rwx" which means the file owner george may
read the file (r), may write to or delete it (w), and may
execute it (x). Thus the file owner may call it for the
Linux kernel to execute the program code it contains,
assuming it contains program code.

Columns 5-7 are "r--" which means the members of the group
george may read this file only only -- may not write to it
or delete it, and may not run it even though it contains
executable code.

columns 8-10 are "r--" which means everyone else may read
only -- may not write and may not run. If a user attempts
to do something for which there is no permission, Linux
will not send an electric shock through the keyboard as
punishment -- instead either an error message will appear
or there will be no response.

If on the other hand a file may be run (executed) by any
Linux user with access to it, then columns 4, 7 and 10
will be shown in the ls -l listing as x, like this:

-rwxr-xr-x 1 george george 28446 Dec 19 11:12 do_something.bin

In this case columns 5-7 and 8-10 both show "r-x" which
means anyone in the group or any other user may read the
file or may run it as a program -- but may not write to
that file and thus change its contents, nor delete it.
The above file listing shows that only the user who owns
the file may write to it.

Suppose anyone in the owner's group were allowed to run
the file and write to it, but nobody else -- then (let's
use as an example the python script here instead of the

-rwxrwxr-x 1 george george 7420 Dec 19 11:19 do_something_else.py

In this case either the file owner or anyone may read it
or execute it as a program, but only a user in the owner's
group may write to it or delete it.

If the first column of a listing is d rather than a hyphen
-- which means it's a directory -- then the next nine
columns show the permission settings (just like for a file)
for owner (columns 2-4), group (columns 5-7) and other
(columns 8-10) -- but an x for "executable" in column 4,
7 or 10 takes on a new meaning: permission to cd (change
directory) into a directory. Such "executable" permission
for a directory is meaningful because, like Windows/DOS
which will not execute a filename as a command from
outside a directory unless the whole path is expressed
(or unless that directory has been included in a specific
list of paths called "the DOS path"), Linux also requires
a full path name to execute a program from outside the

Windows also has a permissions system but Linux is more
sophisticated, much more open, and much more configurable.
This allows for tighter security measures, but at the same
time opens the door for security breaks too, if a user with
administrative permissions misuses them. (Note that Windows
too could suffer from this, but a Linux network
administrator needs to be careful with the higher degree
of power and configurability.)

Octal Mode

There is a numerical way to express these permissions
settings: as digits where each of three digits represents
one of the three classes of users. The value of each digit
can be between 0 and 7 so they can be seen as three octal
digits with three binary digits each. The first octal digit
indicates the file owner's permissions. If that digit is 7
then the binary number would be 111, which represents three
bits set to 1. That 7 for owner would mean read permission,
write permission and execute permission -- in essence yes,
yes, yes. A bit setting of 1 allows permission and a 0 denies.

What if the second digit, representing group permissions,
were 4 -- that would correspond to the binary number 100,
which would mean yes, no, no. The group members could read
but not write and not execute.

Continuing, suppose the three-digit octal number were 740.
Three bits times three octal digits, that's the nine
permission settings: owner may read, write or execute;
group may read only, not write nor execute; other users
may neither read, write nor execute -- because 0 octal is
000 binary which means no, no, no.

7 octal = 111 binary or yes, yes, yes (may read, may write,
may execute)

6 octal = 110 binary or yes, yes, no (may read, may write,
may not execute)

5 octal = 101 binary or yes, no, yes (may read, may not
write, may execute)

4 octal = 100 binary or yes, no, no (may read, may not
write, may not execute)

3 octal = 011 binary or no, yes, yes (may not read, may
write, may execute)

2 octal = 010 binary or no, yes, no (may not read, may
write, may not execute)

1 octal = 001 binary or no, no, yes (may not read, may not
write, may execute)

0 octal = 000 binary or no, no, no (may not do anything)

Note that octal 2 or 3, which give permission to write
but not read, wouldn't make much sense under ordinary
conditions -- how would a user write to a file without
being able to read it? But, the possibility is there and
for all I know such weird permissions setting may be used.

The way of expressing file mode using octal digits is
called "octal mode," and it can be used with the chmod
command in a terminal session.

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