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  Asked By: Ryan    Date: May 09    Category: Java    Views: 554

i have a doubt regarding.... ejb on tomcat.
as tomcat is a webserver it is sure that it cant recognize an EJB or it knows
nothing about it..it is know from this
(www.onjava.com/.../ejb_tomcat.html?page=2) site
Tomcat knows nothing about EJBs other than that it allows them to be bound in
its naming hierarchy, so that JSPs and servlets can access them. These names are
merely names when no EJB container hosts the beans tied to them. We are about to
see the bridge from Tomcat to the OpenEJB runtime environment. The bridge is an
JNDI Object Factory. The factory builds objects on the fly when they are
requested from a naming system. The OpenEJB TomcatEjbFactory class intercepts
bean requests and passes them to OpenEJB. OpenEJB services the request and
responds back appropriately.

so this means we are indirectly fulfilling some of the concepts of EJB using a
tomcat ...i am not able get a correct idea regarding this...
could u plz explain me about this in detail.



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