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Doubt about JSP

  Asked By: Lucas    Date: Apr 16    Category: Java    Views: 659

I have this .jsp file (below) that is a page that waits for a file
when there is
something within it, (for example "Ready"). When there is something
in this file I show another page,
that will show the contents of the file "index.jsp".

<jsp:useBean id="arqbean" scope="page" class="file.Arq" />
<title>:: Wait - Loading ::</title>

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
<h1>Wait a moment,

<% while (!arqbean.getReadyFile("C:\\java\\can_start.txt")) { %>
<% } %>

<jsp:forward page="index.jsp">


But When there is something in the file, the browser doesn't show the
page "index.jsp".
The browser only shows the index.jsp when the WAIT.JSP (the code
above) is already processed.

What must I do to show the page in "real time" (the file recives
something [for example "ok" or "ready"] when the wait.jsp is being
processed) there is something in my file???

Is the target <jsp:foward page="index.jsp"> wrong? Or can I use this
target only with processed data?



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