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custom Sum function?

  Asked By: Boell    Date: Jan 13    Category: MS Office    Views: 1043

would you please tell me how to write a custom Sum() function?
that enables me to sum some cells by typing:

* the number of variants in () depends on user's selection, such as:
=customSum(C8,B10,D10,D12,B15,G8,F2,E2) ... etc.



12 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Bradley Evans     Answered On: Jan 13

Is there a maximum?????????????????????????????

Answer #2    Answered By: Barak Levi     Answered On: Jan 13

Would putting a background colour on cells  give a better indication of
which cells you are choosing? It's also easier than typing in a string
of references.

function  could then go through each cell in a range and just sum
those of particular colours.

Answer #3    Answered By: Rosalie Holmes     Answered On: Jan 13

Why can you not use

Answer #4    Answered By: Zachary Larson     Answered On: Jan 13

i just want to know how to the SUM function  works. i need a function
that can combine some cells' value in one grid. for instance, there's
C1:=combine(A1,B1) <---- the value of C! will be "HelloWorld"
and the variants in combine() depends on user's selection  then it can
be like this
| A1 |
| B4 |
| G5 |
| ... |

maybe it will like this? but i am not sure.
function combine(a as range)
for each x in ...
next x
end function

Answer #5    Answered By: Russell Burns     Answered On: Jan 13

you dont want a sum, you want to concatonate (sp?) the two values.
Just use a '&' instead of a '+'

=A1 & B1

Answer #6    Answered By: Louis Mason     Answered On: Jan 13

ya... that's it. but can i use something like =A1 & "\n" & B1?
i want this two elements not in a same line.

Answer #7    Answered By: Hehet Chalthoum     Answered On: Jan 13

if you want to use a line break, you have to use "& CHR(10) &",
which looks like:
Range("c1") = Range("a1") & Chr(10) & Range("b1")

Answer #8    Answered By: Sean Grant     Answered On: Jan 13

Showing some un VBA experience there

Hmmmm.... I still like my colour idea...

Function fncCombine(rpCombineRange As Range)

Dim rlCel As Range
Dim slCombined As String
Dim slCallerAddress As String
Dim llColour As Long

' What's the colour of the calling cell?
slCallerAddress = Application.Caller.Address
llColour = Range(slCallerAddress).Font.Color

' Go through the range
' Concatonate all cells  with similar colours.
slCombined = ""
For Each rlCel In rpCombineRange
If rlCel.Font.Color = llColour Then
slCombined = slCombined & rlCel.Value
End If
Next rlCel
fncCombine = slCombined

End Function

Answer #9    Answered By: Huette Miller     Answered On: Jan 13

As far as I experienced, you cannot format cells  (like cahnging
font, colors, etc) within functions. It only works in Subroutines.

Answer #10    Answered By: Maria Miller     Answered On: Jan 13

I think I noticed from your first posts that you had written something
that looked like jscript or C. A lot of code examples in the microsoft
online docs are given not only in VB(Script) but in JScript and
sometimes C and C++ as well. I thought maybe that would be useful to
you. You could for example choose not to use VBA at all or to have a
look at the examples and compare the code to see how VBA/S does the
same as jscript.

The below link is to some microsoft documentation on the
FileSystemObject. Not relevant to your problem... just something I had
up on the screen when I remembered your posts.


Answer #11    Answered By: Elias Turner     Answered On: Jan 13

try the concatenate function.


Answer #12    Answered By: Kifah Malik     Answered On: Jan 13

yes, both Colourcell or Concatenate or "&" works fine! :D.
but is there any way to catch which cells  selected by user? i think
the original Sum function  can be a good example, but we don't know
how does it work...still thinking...

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