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Counting Problem

  Asked By: Glenn    Date: Jan 03    Category: MS Office    Views: 746

I hope everybody is fine and in good health. I am doing calculation and come
across with a simple problem. From Column “A” to Column “AB” I want
to count all the rows containing letter “Z” & “YZ” from rows 1 to
50000 as the cell containing different values like “ABXYZ” and “XYZ”
and so on.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Farah Khan     Answered On: Jan 03

I'm going to take you at your "word".
You are wanting a formula, not a VBA macro.
Try using countif.
like: =COUNTIF(Data!F:F,"*T*")
this will count  the number of cells in column  "F" of sheet "Data"
that contains the letter "T" in any position.
(you can use "A:AB" to go from columns A to AB, but it will give you
a count of cells, not rows.

If you can give me an idea of what you're trying to accomplish,
maybe I can help you better.

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