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Copying a range from 1 sheet to another

  Asked By: Madison    Date: Nov 29    Category: MS Office    Views: 827

How do I copy a range of cells from 1 sheet in a workbook to another sheet in
the same workbook with the following stipulations:

1) All formatting needs to be copied.
2) All formulas need to be copied.
3) All values need to be copied.
4) The cells need to be linked.

The idea is that one sheet has running totals for different types of widgets
(thousands of lines), and there is a summary row of data and formulas for each
widget. The summary row
will be copied to a separate sheet to provide a synopsis at a glance of all



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Arnelle Schmidt     Answered On: Nov 29

The formulas  need to have reference to the sheet  that you copy  them from.

If the formula reads =sum(A1:C9) and it is on Sheet1 then you need to
rewrite the formula to state =sum(Sheet1!A1:C9)... assuming you are
pasting the formula in the same cell relative to Sheet1. Pasting them
anywhere else would require your formula to be =sum(Sheet1!$A$1:$C%9)

Then copy and paste will do the trick.

Or, just link the formula from the new sheet =Sheet1!B2. And, then
use the Format Painter to copy the formatting.

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