I installed BCM43xx-fwcutter. I'm afraid I don't know how to use it
now that I have it. I will read on. But... what I'm confused about
is... I was just playing around in Ubuntu.. I went to places,
network, Windows network came up in the network pane. I dragged it to
the bar on the pane.. more to just see if I could because clicking on
it did nothing. Then I clicked on connect to network. Nothing
happened. Oh well, I wasn't really expecting anything to anyway.
But... When I clicked on the little network icon on my menu bar, low
and behold there was an added network.. The O'Neil Family Network
which is what we named the network... I clicked on it and it
connected to the internet instantly. Wow. It is not getting a
great signal but I am on it now.
So.... Does this mean that I am connected through my windows
connection.. I have a dual boot system. So if windows wasn't
there I wouldn't be connected anymore???
I really want to get rid of windows but not until I have a good
internet connection through Ubuntu.