I was wondering if anyone could give me some guidance on what I'm doing
wrong with my concantenated sheets(___________).select statement as
described below:
I'm using an OnTime event to run my macro throughout the day.
Because I could be working on one of many sheets prior to the execution,
I have a named cell in my "control" sheet where I can enter the sheet
name where i want excel to return to after the OnTime macro process is
I have the following elements built in my excel macro coding:
Dim ReturnToSheetNamed As Variant
Application.Goto Reference:="User_Input_Return_to_Sheet_Named"
ReturnToSheetNamed = ActiveCell.Value
The final VBA statements I installed into my macro are:
If ReturnToSheetNamed <> "" Then
End If
the problem is in the sheets(_________).select statement
but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here