First, I don't understand the panel panel1 declaration outside the
Second, why use
public panel1()?
You don't have a void return value.
Change it to public void panel1().
Don't put numbers in you variable names.
Don't create to objects with same name in the same class.
If you don't need the objects outside the class, declare them
private. Layout objects, such as Panels, should be placed
outside a method, because it's easier to use them later from
other methods.
Then don't extend WindowAdapter and implement
WindowListener at the same time! When implementing
WindowListener, you must override all the methods in the
WindowListener interface. When extending WindowAdapter, you
don't need to override all the methods. That's the difference
between extending and implementing. You write an interface
when passing unknown objects to a function. WindowAdapter is
implementing WindowListener.
If you want to extend a Frame, you must put a
public void main(String args[ ])
The create an instance of your class, or you will never see you
window! (if you not use it from another class)