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Authentication in RSS

  Asked By: Pedro    Date: Jul 18    Category: Java    Views: 757

Since I havent heard about my previouse question regarding RSS library,I assume nobody here has confronted implementation of RSS feed server, i found Rome library from java.net very useful. now my question is does anybody here know how to manage authentication in RSS, I want to categorize news for each group of users, users should be able to see just the news related to their group.How can we implement this in RSS technology?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Ana Silva     Answered On: Jul 18

Java Authentication and Authorization (JAAS) is your answer. Struts menu and its integration with JAAS may help you find a solution for your problem. There is very nice component on the shelf naming it ACGI Security which works fine with Spring framework and it is JAAS based but more high level than that.

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