I am stuck on a project. I have to do an applet that uses a
list for currency, then multiplies it by the ammount in a textbox,
then displays the total in another txt box. in that text box should
also be the currency chossen. here's what i got so far:
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class ShapePicker extends Applet implements
Label lblOne, lblTwo, lblThree,
TextField txtAmmount, txtTotal,
List currencyList = new List();
double cPrice = {129.1,1.13,.702,7.411,2.21};
Button cmdConvert;
public void init()
lblOne=new Label("Please Select from the list a type of
currency: ");
currencyList.add("Japanese Yen");
currencyList.add("European Euros");
currencyList.add("British Pounds");
currencyList.add("French Francis");
currencyList.add("German Deutschmarks");