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802.11n suppoorted?

  Date: Feb 05    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 292

I'm using wifi-usb keys. 802.11g format, they work great. But when I've tried
802.11n dongles, they don't. Does Linux support the N versions yet? Is it



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 05    

I'm using an N dongle with Ubuntu Studio 11.04.

Internet access provides no problem at all, but my home network
(Windows) does.
(This is being investigated.)

The Sitecom WL-344 dongle I originally intended to use wasn't at first
supported, but about a month ago it passed my test.
Apparently, an Ubuntu update has fixed this.
(I'm however using an older Sitecom WL-302.)

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 05    

It's more a question of the manufacturers of these dongles not
considering Linux in general ( as usual !! ). The Linux community is
therefore left to 'pick up the pieces' and figure out how to get these
dongles working :-( This takes time unfortunately but there are some
makes that have been verified - check the list here which gives the
status of development for drivers plus the devices supported.


Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 05    

I bought a TP-LINK WN727N last year and had to bring it back since it didn't
work then but now it's on the list.

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