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3D Java

  Asked By: Madeleine    Date: Aug 07    Category: Java    Views: 821

What sort of reccomendations do people have as far as creating 3D
Java graphics?

Let's say that I am looking to do something "auto-cad"ish.
Any suggestions?



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Isabella Campbell     Answered On: Aug 07

I did my dissertation on Java3D available for windows and linux
(blackdown). Java3D is a very good library of graphics routines. I
advise that you follow the tutorials that come with J3D and practice on
their demo files.

Autocad is a 2D program that has a 3D renderer when selected. There
should be no problem creating  a similar program using Swing/AWT.
However, if you want 3D graphics in java  use the Java3D library or use
GL4Java, which is slightly more complex.

Answer #2    Answered By: Logan Bouchard     Answered On: Aug 07

I'll second the Java3D. Just finished an honors project using it.
Great libraries, though dynamic stuff's a bit clunky. Be aware it
hasn't been improved in a while, but Sun's talking about taking
another whack at it.

Haven't heard of GL4Java, but I assume it's a version of OpenGL for Java.

Answer #3    Answered By: Aidyn Smith     Answered On: Aug 07

Its exactly that. Take a look at the gears demo for it. Its pretty

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