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3 little boxes

  Date: Dec 12    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 460

I've been running 8.04 since it came out. Probably won't change
until the next LTS comes out.
Quite often when I boot the machine, none of the programs will
have the 3 little boxes in the upper right hand corner. ( Drop to bar
/ Max or Unmax & close.
Any ideas on why they are there sometimes and not at other times?
Also what can I do to bring them up when they aren't there or better
yet fix them where they stay put.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 12    

These are part of your decorations. Are you running Compiz because it messes
with the decorations sometimes? You change the decorations by going to System,
Preferences, Appearance. However if you use Compiz then you can install the
Compiz Fusion Icon that allows you to turn Compiz on or off and change
decorations from Compiz to Metacity or even KDE4.

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