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Program to swap the cases of a given String

Posted By: Emily Brown     Category: Assembly Language     Views: 3359

Program to swap the cases of a given String.

Code for Program to swap the cases of a given String in Assembly Language

Data Segment
  str1 db 'StRiNg CaSe CoNvErSiOn','$'
  strlen1 dw $-str1
Data Ends

Code Segment
  Assume cs:code, ds:data
    mov ax, data
    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax
    mov cx, strlen1
    add cx, -1
    lea bx, str1
       mov ah, [bx]
       cmp ah, 41h
       jb L2
       cmp ah, 5Ah
       ja Upper_Check

       XOR ah, 00100000B
       mov [bx], ah

       inc bx
       loop L1

       cmp ah, 61h
       ja Upper_Case

       AND ah, 11011111B
       mov [bx], ah
       inc bx
       loop L1

       mov ah, 09h
       lea dx, str1
       int 21h
       mov ax, 4c00h
       int 21h
Code Ends
End Begin

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Emily Brown
Emily Brown author of Program to swap the cases of a given String is from London, United Kingdom.
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