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Static methods and variables

Posted By: Lucy Wheeler     Category: Java     Views: 2798

This article explains about static member in a class in java.

A static member is defined for the class itself and exists independently of any object of that class.

Static method

A static method is associated with a class. Therefore, it is not necessary to create an instance of that class in order to invoke such a method.

Syntax of Static method

static retType funcName(ParamList)
    // Body of this method

Syntax to call Static method


Where className is a name of the class and funcName is the name of the static method. Math class provides several examples of static methods. For examples,

static float abs(float f)
static int abs(int i)
static int min(int i, int j)
static int max(int i, int j)

Static variable

Static variable is also associated with a class. It is not necessary to create an instance of that class in order to read or write such a variable. Since static variable is associated with a class, there is only one copy of the variable and it is shared by all objects of that class.  

Syntax of static variable


Where className is a name of the class and varName is a name of the static variable. Math class provides 2 static variables i.e. E and PI.    


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Lucy Wheeler
Lucy Wheeler author of Static methods and variables is from Wichita , United States. Lucy Wheeler says

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