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Shell script to take LOGNAME or the UID an an input and find how many terminals has this user logged in

Posted By: Vidos Fischer     Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu     Views: 5248

Write a shell script to take LOGNAME or the UID an an input and find how many terminals has this user logged in.

Code for Shell script to take LOGNAME or the UID an an input and find how many terminals has this user logged in in Unix / Linux / Ubuntu


if [ $# -eq 0 ]
        echo "Enter logname"
        read uid

ch=`who | grep $uid -c`
if [ $ch -eq 1 ]
        echo "Logname user loging"else
        echo "Logname user corrent not loging"

echo "Total user are : `who | wc -l`"

Vidos Fischer
Vidos Fischer author of Shell script to take LOGNAME or the UID an an input and find how many terminals has this user logged in is from Frankfurt, Germany.
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