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Program to read two numbers from the keyboard and display larger value

Posted By: Easy Tutor     Category: C++ Programming     Views: 17768

Write a program to read two numbers from the keyboard
and display the larger value on the screen.

Code for Program to read two numbers from the keyboard and display larger value in C++ Programming

/*www.DailyFreeCode.comDownload Projects, Sourcecodes, Tips and Tricks, Interview FAQs, Hotlinks and more....Logon to www.DailyFreeCode.com*//* Write a program to read two numbers from the keyboardand display the larger value on the screen.*/


class largest
int d;
public :
void getdata(void);
void display_large(largest,largest);

void largest :: getdata(void)
cout<<"\n\nEnter Value :-";

void largest :: display_large(largest o1,largest o2)
    if(o1.d > o2.d)
       cout<<"\nObject 1 contain Largest Value "<<o1.d;
   elseif(o2.d > o1.d)
       cout<<"\nObject 2 contain Largest Value "<<o2.d;
       cout<<"\nBOTH ARE EQUAL";

void main()
largest o1,o2,o3;



Easy Tutor
Easy Tutor author of Program to read two numbers from the keyboard and display larger value is from United States. Easy Tutor says

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Happy Programming :)

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