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Illustration of subscripted structure variables , ARRAYS OF STRUCTURES

Posted By: Owen Bouchard     Category: C Programming     Views: 3729

Illustration of subscripted structure variables , ARRAYS OF STRUCTURES.

Code for Illustration of subscripted structure variables , ARRAYS OF STRUCTURES in C Programming

struct marks                                                     
       int  sub1;                                                   
       int  sub2;                                                   
       int  sub3;                                                   
       int  total;                                                  
       int  i;                                                      
       struct marks student[3] =  {{45,67,81,0},             
       struct marks total;                                   
       for(i = 0; i <= 2; i++)                                      
           student[i].total = student[i].sub1 +                     
                              student[i].sub2 +                     
           total.sub1 = total.sub1 + student[i].sub1;               
           total.sub2 = total.sub2 + student[i].sub2;               
           total.sub3 = total.sub3 + student[i].sub3;               
           total.total = total.total + student[i].total;            
       printf(" STUDENT          TOTAL\n\n");                       
       for(i = 0; i <= 2; i++)                                      
          printf("Student[%d]      %d\n", i+1,student[i].total); 
       printf("\n SUBJECT          TOTAL\n\n");                     
       printf("%s       %d\n%s       %d\n%s       %d\n",            
              "Subject 1   ", total.sub1,                           
              "Subject 2   ", total.sub2,                           
              "Subject 3   ", total.sub3);                          
       printf("\nGrand Total = %d\n", total.total);                 

        STUDENT           TOTAL                                          
        Student[1]         193                                           
        Student[2]         197                                           
        Student[3]         164                                           
        SUBJECT           TOTAL                                          
        Subject 1          177                                           
        Subject 2          156                                           
        Subject 3          221                                           
        Grand Total  = 554                                                

Owen Bouchard
Owen Bouchard author of Illustration of subscripted structure variables , ARRAYS OF STRUCTURES is from Montreal, Canada.
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