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Example to view records of student, course and SC tables

Posted By: Ella Brown     Category: Oracle     Views: 2674

This article provides an example to view records of student, course and SC tables.

Code for Example to view records of student, course and SC tables in Oracle

Select * form student;

---------- --------------  ---------- ---------
1 Mikki Raval A 20-MAR-84 2 Sumeet Patel A 10-SEP-87 3 Deepa Jani A 12-MAR-79 4 Mona Amin B 08-APR-81 5 Tikku Thakkar B 15-DEC-82 Select * from course; COURSENO COURSENAME MAX_MARKS PASS_MARKS ---------- -------------- ---------- ----------
610001 FOP 100 35 610002 Accounting 100 35 610003 Maths 100 35 610004 DBMS 100 35 610005 Computer Graphics 100 35 Select * from sc; ROLLNO COURSENO MARKS ---------- ---------- ----------
1 610001 82 1 610002 80 1 610003 77 1 610004 72 1 610005 80 2 610001 90 2 610002 88 2 610003 77 2 610004 60 2 610005 78 3 610005 87 3 610001 78 3 610002 67 3 610003 89 3 610004 78 3 610005 78 4 610001 75 4 610002 45 4 610003 58 4 610004 68 4 610005 78 5 610001 70 5 610002 78 5 610003 52 5 610004 79 5 610005 85

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Ella Brown
Ella Brown author of Example to view records of student, course and SC tables is from London, United Kingdom.
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Mike Juma from Kenya Comment on: Mar 24
THANK-YOU in advance for you kindness and help on this question.

Display Input-Output from database to device, phone and input new data

IdNumber First LastName Course City DateEnrolled

2101 Rajesh Khan PHP London 05/03/2012
2102 Mohamed Sarwar vbnet Mahwah 06/03/2011
2103 Hamisi Juma Csharp Mombasa 08/03/2010
2104 Erik Dell cplusplus JeseyCity 09/03/2009
2105 David Maina php Nairobi 10/03/2008
2106 Mahesh Shah java NewDelhi 05/03/2007
2107 John Stevens mysql Dearborn 05/03/2006
2108 Anthony Rwandiga sql Kigali 07/03/2005

How can I write a code in Java using above input from access or sql and display that information on a phone? Update student information to the database via hand held device and phone.
1. For example when I enter student id on the phone it displays the rest of the information (name, course) as it interacts with the database.
2. I would like if I scan a student ID using a hand held device it gives me the name course etc., while being at the same time being able to input and update new student information to the database through handheld device or phone. Prosperity and peace to you.


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