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Program to encode and decode string

Posted By: Alisha Hughes     Category: C Programming     Views: 4553

Assume that the text consists of only A...Z and blank characters. The replacement should wrap around" the end of the character set A ..Z so that there is a well-defined replacement for each alphabet. Read text and print its decoded form until a character :: is found.

Code for Program to encode and decode string in C Programming

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

void entryData();

void decodeFile();
int indexPosition(char);
char getEncodeChar(int);
char getDecodeChar(int);
void getWriteFileName(char *str);
void getReadFileName(char *str);

  char alpha[26] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
  char filename[14];
  char readname[14];
  int option;
  FILE *fp;

  void main()
    printf("\nSelect any of the option from below.");
    printf("\n1. Create Encode File");
    printf("\n2. Reade Encode File\n");

    scanf("%d", &option);

      if( option == 1)
      elseif( option == 2)
      {     getReadFileName(readname);


   void entryData()
       char chr;
       char prevchr;
       int index=-1;
       prevchr = chr;
       printf("\n Just type '::' to terminate typing. Start typing\n");

       scanf("%c", &chr);
       chr = tolower(chr);

       if( chr == ':')
          if( prevchr == chr)

       if( isalpha(chr) )
          index = indexPosition(chr);
          chr = getEncodeChar(index);

       putc(chr, fp);
       prevchr = chr;

   void getWriteFileName(char *str)
     printf("Enter Output File name maxium 14 character : ");
     scanf("%s", str);

     if( ( fp = fopen(str, "wt") ) == NULL  )
     {  fclose(fp);
    printf("\nInvalid file name entered.");

   void getReadFileName(char *str)
     printf("Enter Input File name maxium 14 character : ");
     scanf("%s", str);

     if( ( fp = fopen(str, "r+t") ) == NULL  )
     {  fclose(fp);
    printf("\nInvalid file name entered.");

   void decodeFile()
   {   char rchar;
       int index=-1;
       while( feof(fp) == 0 )
       rchar = getc(fp);
       if( isalpha(rchar) )
         index = indexPosition(rchar);
         rchar = getDecodeChar(index);
      printf("%c", rchar);


   char getEncodeChar(int index)
      int tmp=0;
      tmp = index + 5;
      if ( tmp > 25)
    tmp = tmp - 26;

      return alpha[tmp];

   char getDecodeChar(int index)
      int tmp=0;
      tmp = index - 5;
      if ( tmp < 0)
    tmp = 26 + tmp;

      return alpha[tmp];

   int indexPosition(char chr)
      int count=0;
      for( ; count < 26; count++)
     if ( alpha[count] == chr)
      return count;

Select any of the option from below.
1. Create Encode File
2. Reade Encode File

Enter Output File name maxium 14 character : output.txt

contain of output.txt is
ymnx nx jcfruqj tk knqj jshtinsl.

2 Read Encoded File
******************* OutPut*******************************
Enter Input File name maxium 14 character : output.txt

this is example of file encoding.

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Alisha Hughes
Alisha Hughes author of Program to encode and decode string is from London, United Kingdom.
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