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Program to determine the HCF of N 1 byte numbers

Posted By: Meryl Schmidt     Category: Assembly Language     Views: 3668

Write an assembly program to determine the HCF of N 1 byte numbers.

Code for Program to determine the HCF of N 1 byte numbers in Assembly Language

.model small

        arr db 9,18,27
        cnt db 0
        min db 50
        ans db ?

        mov ax,@data
        mov ds,ax

        LEA DI,cnt
        LEA SI,arr
        mov cx,3

                mov ah,BYTE PTR[SI]
                cmp ah,min
                jg IncSI
                mov min,ah
                inc SI
                Loop FinMin
                jmp FindHcf
                inc SI
                Loop FinMin

                mov ch,min
                mov cnt,0
                mov ax,00

                        mov ah,00
                        add cnt,1
                        cmp cnt,ch
                        jg ext
                        LEA SI,arr
                        mov al,BYTE PTR [SI]
                        div cnt
                        cmp ah,00
                        jne Chk1

                                Inc SI
                                mov ah,00
                                mov al,BYTE PTR [SI]
                                div cnt
                                cmp ah,00
                                jne Chk1

                                        Inc SI
                                        mov ah,00
                                        mov al,BYTE PTR [SI]
                                        div cnt
                                        cmp ah,00
                                        jne Chk1

                                        mov ax,0000                                                        
                                        mov al,cnt
                                        mov ans,al
                                        cmp cnt,ch
                                        jle Chk1
                mov ax,0
                mov ah,ans

                add ans,30h
                mov ah,02h
                mov dh,00
                mov Dl,ans
                int 21h

                mov ax,4C00h
                int 21h

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Meryl Schmidt
Meryl Schmidt author of Program to determine the HCF of N 1 byte numbers is from Frankfurt, Germany.
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