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Program that demonstrates how an array can be used to show working of lifts in a multi-storeyed building

Posted By: Hildemare Miller     Category: C Programming     Views: 3000

A program that demonstrates how an array can be used to show working of lifts in a multi-storeyed building.

Code for Program that demonstrates how an array can be used to show working of lifts in a multi-storeyed building in C Programming

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>

void showstatus( ) ;
void allotlift ( int *, int, int, char ) ;

/* show current status, i.e. the floor no. on which
the lifts are standing */
void showstatus ( int *lf ) { int i ; for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ ) printf ( "Lift : %d is on %d floor\n", i, lf[i] ) ; } /* allot the lift to the user */
void allotlift ( int *lf, int flnos, int flnot, char d ) { /* struct p to store the difference between 2 lifts */
struct p { int lfno[5] ; int pos[5] ; int diff[5] ; } arr ; int lno = -1 ; /* to store the lift no. that can be made available */
int i, j, k, t1, t2, t3 ; /* initialize array */
for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { arr.lfno[i] = i ; arr.pos[i] = 0 ; arr.diff[i] = 0 ; } while ( lno == -1 ) { /* get the current position of a lift */
for ( i = 0 ; i < 5; i++ ) arr.pos[i] = lf[i] ; for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { /* get the diff. between floor on which lift is standing
and the floor on which the user is standing */
arr.diff[i] = abs ( arr.pos[i] - flnos ) ; } /* sort array */
for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) { if ( arr.diff[i] < arr.diff[j] ) { t1 = arr.lfno[i] ; t2 = arr.pos[i] ; t3 = arr.diff[i] ; arr.lfno[i] = arr.lfno[j] ; arr.pos[i] = arr.pos[j] ; arr.diff[i] = arr.diff[j] ; arr.lfno[j] = t1 ; arr.pos[j] = t2 ; arr.diff[j] = t3 ; } } } /* check for the lift that can be alloted
depending on the direction */
for ( i = 0, k = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { k = arr.lfno[i] ; if ( ( d == 'u' ) && ( ( lf[k] < flnos ) || ( lf[k] == 0 ) || ( lf[k] == flnos ) ) ) { lno = k ; break ; } if ( ( d == 'd' ) && ( ( lf[k] > flnos ) || ( lf[k] == 0 ) || ( lf[k] == flnos ) ) ) { lno = k ; break ; } } /* if none of the lift has been alloted */
j = 30 ; if ( lno == -1 ) { for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { if ( j > arr.diff[i] ) { j = arr.diff[i] ; lno = i ; } } } } printf ( "\nThe lift available to you would be: %d\n\n", lno ) ; lf[lno] = flnot ; } /* the main menu */
int showmenu( ) { int c ; printf ( " -------------------- Lift Program -------------------- \n" ) ; printf ( " There are 5 lifts available for your service. \n" ) ; printf ( " Select 1 if you want to use a lift. \n" ) ; printf ( " Selecting 2 would show, for each of the 5 lifts, \n" ) ; printf ( " the floor no. on which the lift is currently standing. \n" ) ; printf ( " Select 3 to quit the program \n" ) ; printf ( " ------------------------------------------------------ \n" ) ; printf ( " 1. Do you wish to use lift?\n" ) ; printf ( " 2. Show status of lift\n" ) ; printf ( " 3. Exit\n" ) ; printf ( " ------------------------------------------------------ \n" ) ; scanf ( "%d", &c ) ; return c ; } void validate ( int *fs, int *ft, char *d ) { int flnos, flnot ; char dir ; int flag ; unsigned char chr ; flnos = flnot = -1 ; flag = 0 ; while ( flnos < 0 || flnos > 29 ) { printf ( "Enter the floor no. where you are standing : " ) ; scanf ( "%d", &flnos ) ; if ( flnos < 0 || flnos > 29 ) { printf ( "\nIncorrect floor no.! Enter floor no. in a range of 0 - 29 \n\n" ) ; getch( ) ; } } while ( flag == 0 ) { dir = 'j' ; while ( tolower ( dir ) != 'u' && tolower ( dir ) != 'd' ) { printf ( "Do you wish to go up or down (up/down): " ) ; fflush ( stdin ) ; scanf ( "%c", &dir ) ; printf ( "\n" ) ; if ( dir != 'u' && dir != 'd' ) printf ( "Incorrect direction! Enter again\n" ) ; } if ( flnos == 0 && dir == 'd' ) { printf ( "\nYou are already standing on ground floor.\n" ) ; printf ( "Cannot go further down.\n" ) ; getch( ) ; flag = 0 ; } else flag = 1 ; } flag = 0 ; while ( flag == 0 ) { printf ( "\nEnter the floor no. where you want to go: " ) ; scanf ( "%d", &flnot ) ; if ( ( flnos == 0 && flnot == 0 ) || ( flnot < 0 || flnot > 29 ) || ( flnos == flnot ) || ( ( flnos != 0 ) && ( dir == 'd' && ( flnos - flnot < 0 ) ) ) || ( ( flnos != 0 ) && ( dir == 'u' && ( flnot < flnos ) ) ) ) { printf ( "\nIncorrect floor no. or trying to move to the same \n" ) ; printf ( "floor where you are standing, or either the \n" ) ; printf ( " direction given is incorrect or the floor number \n" ) ; printf ( " is incorrect. Try again \n") ; flag = 0 ; } else flag = 1 ; } *fs = flnos ; *d = dir ; *ft = flnot ; } void main( ) { int ch ; /* stores the no. entered as a choice for the menu */
int flnos ; /* to store floor no. where the user stands */
int flnot ; /* to store the target floor no. */
char dir ; /* to store the direction */
char chr[20] ; /* a temporary variable */
int lf[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } ; void validate ( int *, int *, char * ) ; flnos = flnot = -1 ; clrscr( ) ; while ( 1 ) { /* display main menu */
ch = showmenu( ) ; /* switch-case for menu options to be handled */
switch ( ch ) { case 1 : /* actual program logic */
printf ( "Allot lift: \n" ) ; validate ( &flnos, &flnot, &dir ) ; allotlift ( lf, flnos, flnot, dir ) ; break ; case 2 : /* getstaus */
printf ( "Current status of lifts: \n" ) ; showstatus ( lf ) ; break ; case 3 : /* exit program */
exit ( 0 ) ; break ; default : /* wrong choice */
printf ( "Incorrect choice! try again!" ) ; } printf ( "\n\n" ) ; printf ( "Press key to continue..." ) ; fflush ( stdin ) ; scanf ( "%c", &chr ) ; } }

Hildemare Miller
Hildemare Miller author of Program that demonstrates how an array can be used to show working of lifts in a multi-storeyed building is from Frankfurt, Germany.
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