You may have to mount the /home partition manually the first time.
Look in places and see if there is a file system listed with the size of
/home. If you click on it, the system will mount it and show it on the
desktop. You can then look at the contents from the GUI, double click
it from the desktop, or in a terminal window cd to the location and do
an ls -l on the contents. If it is you /home file system, you can then
use the mount command to manually mount it as /home. Once you
have the file system mounted you can, in terminal you and issue the
command "mount" and the system will show you what is mounted
where. That file system will be mounted by the system as something
like this my boot file system which is my windows partition:
> /dev/sda1 on /media/BOOT type fuseblk
> (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096,default_permissions)
I hope this helps and not makes it more confusing. I ran into this same
issue one time when I was trying different version of Linux looking for
one that would allow use of the sound card while listening to my short
wave radio. Came back to Ubuntu 10.10 on that system.