Not all that long ago (to an old feller) nearly every American school had at
least one APPLE MacINTOSH computer somewhere for students to tinker with and
learn on with the idea that they'd gravitate to the Apple brand. Didn't seem to
work. I think it was the IBM/MS that launched MS/DOS Windows.
Anyone remember the Radio Shack TRS-80? And the Times Sinclair 1000? And the
original Compaq?
Me? In 1984 I bought a Kaypro 2X "transluggable" with two double-density
double-sided 5 1/4 inch floppy drives running CP/M. WordStar, CalcStar,
etc.Star, and, my favorite, MBASIC. Oh, and don't forget Second City Software's
"Draw" with its pixel-by-pixel graphics.