To utilize a progress meter control you need to add a 'User Form'. You
would then need to call the form whenever the macro/program is executed.
A 'User Form' will have standard controls available, but the 'Progress
Meter' tool may need to be added. Simply right mouse click the controls
that appear next to the user form, and select 'Additional Controls'.
Scroll down until you see 'Microsoft Progress Meter'. There may be more
than one version, I always use the most recent version.
Insert the control on your user form, and give it a logical name, along
with your user form. Now it is time for code.
Here is a procedure that calculates a percentage of completion and
updates the progress meter control.
Sub IncreaseBar(iCurVal As Integer, iMaxVal As Integer)
Dim Percent As String
Dim PercentLabel As String
Dim sMaxVal As String
Dim sCurVal As String
'Put integers into strings
sMaxVal = iMaxVal
sCurVal = iCurVal
'Increase progress bar
Percent = getPercentage(sCurVal, sMaxVal)
Forms!frmMain!EmpProgressBar.Value = Percent 'Make sure to use your
form name, and name of control!!
End Sub
Function getPercentage(ProgressBarCurrentValue As String,
ProgressBarMaxValue As String) As String
'calculate Percentage
getPercentage = Format(Val(Val(ProgressBarCurrentValue /
ProgressBarMaxValue) * 100), "0")
End Function
As you can see in the main sub procedure, you need to bring in the total
rows being calculated, and the current row position being worked on. You
can alter this any way you like, such as calculating number of rows etc.
within the procedure. My code is a secondary sub procedure as I port
this to all my programs where I use a progress meter. I have many, and
the users like to see it.