If I select the fund from the combo box – whatever I put in the £ or shares text
box (and depending on which option button within the same frame is selected) it
will populate the same sheet and the correct column.
I need to do is make sure the option button ‘rep’ negates the entries.
At the moment if neither the rep or sale button is selected it defaults to sale.
Need user to select one or the other
I also need to do is build more frames (about 10) in the form so I can do
multiple entries for a customer for different funds and classes. Eg use 1st
combo box to input UKI entry in class B & 2nd for HIF entry in class C etc –
the idea is that the customer details will not need to be retyped every time
when there are multiple transactions.
Obviously sales will need to be entered separately from reps.
I also need to force the user to select one of the 6 option buttons in the
I need to make the ‘£’ entry to 2 decimal places and the ‘shares’ entry to 3 DP
I also need to automatically make the date field default to the entry date when
it populates the relevant sheet entry (maybe make it so the user can’t change
that field).
I also need to make the frame text boxes accept numbers only. The name box needs
to accept string only & the account numbers and string.
Then I need to add up the columns £s and shares for each class and transfer to a
summary page.
I suspect there are other little validations I need but if you could sort some
of these out and explain how they work it would be extremely helpful