It looks like you used an old post and did a reply to it.
Please... For future reference... Zap the Re: ... I garuntee you'll get more
answers because people won't get mad wasting time looking for an original!!
There are lots of ways to do what you want... Books... Private tuition...
Courses... Paid for internet courses... Free internet tutorials... Self
taught... Lots. All of it googalable.
Do you have a budget? Buying and working through books is one of the
favourite options.
I don't have any recomendations gor books but I'm positive some people here
have. C'mon you VBAers!!!!
I would suggest though that you have a project to work on. It could even be
as simple as building an address book with input output and editing... But
having something to aim for concentrates the learning provess incredibly.
Why do need it so urgently for example? Is it for a specific project?
Another great font of knowledge is the "Macro" ... IMHO a misnomer...
You want to do something?... Record doing it manually.. Hit F11 and see how
microsoft coded it up.