Cool possibilities here. I found some things:
1. intReadyState has to be reset for each web site
2. wait an additional 1 sec after intReadyState = 4
3. use LCase to make it not case sensitive
Sub Main()
Dim objIE As Object
Dim strWebSite As String
Dim intReadyState As Integer
Dim order As String
Dim n, a, total As Integer
n = 1
total = Worksheets("sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
While n <= total
strWebSite = Worksheets("sheet1").Range("a" & n).Value
objIE.Visible = 1
objIE.Navigate strWebSite
intReadyState = 0
Do While Not intReadyState = 4
intReadyState = objIE.ReadyState
'wait an additional 1 second
PauseTime = 1 'seconds
Start = Timer
Do While Timer < Start + PauseTime
DoEvents ' Yield to other processes.
DocText = objIE.Document.body.innerhtml
DocText = LCase(DocText)
'Call SaveDoc(DocText, "DocText" & n & ".txt")
If InStr(DocText, "mail") = 0 Then
Worksheets("sheet1").Range("b" & n).Value = "not
Worksheets("sheet1").Range("b" & n).Value = "exists"
End If
n = n + 1
Set objIE = Nothing
End Sub
Sub SaveDoc(TheDoc, fName)
Path = Application.ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & fName
fn = FreeFile()
Open Path For Output As fn
Print #fn, TheDoc;
Close #fn
End Sub