You should be able to make the connection; you just need to get the right
combination of keywords and values in your connection string. On, a simple sample it provides is:
Provider=MySQLProv;Data Source=mydb;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
The Port keyword is optional, since you're using the default port. Possibly
you can only use "User Id", and not "User" as you did. And apparently you
should use "Data Source" instead of "Database". So in your case I would try:
Provider=MySQLProv;Data Source=NIFTY;User Id=root;Password=pl;
In my experience, your selection of either the use of "Provider" or "Driver"
or neither determines which other set of keywords you should use, and I
think your mixing and matching, which might be part of the issue.
I haven't tested an OLE DB mysql connection just now, but have in the past
without difficulty.