I have not answered because the stuff you have posted does not make any sense
to me. I hoped someone else would understand it and help.
The line
varDateOfBirth = Format(DD / MM / YYYY)
Is quite meaningless AFAICS.
The Format function takes an expression and returns a string. You have
defined varDateOfBirth as a date. So you cannot hand it a string. If it was a
variant (which would be the normal reason for starting it with "var") it could
be given a string.
If x was a date, say 31 December 2001 and you used the format function you
could use it like this
Y=format(x,"yy/mm/dd") and y would then hold "01/12/31"
I doi not think this is what you need at all.
I think you need to know what form your input is in. I suspect it is strings
in the form "dd/mm/yyyyy". If so the best bet is to pull each date apart and
reassemble them to get a julian (A number representing the date)
Make a function Like this:
Function ConvertDate(DateString As Variant) As Date
Dim DateBit, MonthPart, YearPart
DateBit = CInt(Left(DateString, 2))
MonthPart = CInt(mid(DateString, 4, 2))
YearPart = CInt(Right(DateString, 4))
ConvertDate = DateSerial(YearPart, MonthPart, DateBit)
End Function
Then in your main code you would read the date as a string to a variable, say
Then you would have a line that said
varDateOfBirth = ConvertDate(strDate)
Now varDateOfBirth contains the correct date and you can use it.
Please let us know how you get on.
I have assumed that your regional settings on your computer are set to read
dates formatted the US way. If not, there will need to be a bit of tweaking
of the code.