> assigned the value returned by Class.forName() to a
> variable, the method actually initializes a Class(in
> the parameter), so he can refer the class further to
> create a Connection by using DriverManager...
I see, I wasn't aware of this technique.
> somebody plz tell me is it the "import" keyword
> related to "Class.forName()" method, becauz it's
> looking like these two methods doing the same thing
> (Im not sure)..
It definitely can't have to do with the import statements in the file.
That only applies to classes that are used directly, e.g. you need
'import java.util.Vector;' if you want to write 'Vector v = new
Vector();' The argument of Class.forName has to be fully stated, e.g.
'Class.forName("java.util.Vector");' even if you specified 'import