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  Question Asked By: Jason Perry   on Jul 07 In Asp.net Category.

Question Answered By: Corinne Rogers   on Jul 07

Below is the code  I am using. What I don't undersatnd is how I can get a
the value for each element  into a variable so I can do some work with them.

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System
Imports System.Xml

namespace HowTo.Samples.XML

public class XmlReadFromURLSample
dim CustIDc as string= ""

Dim prodidq as string= "639749"
'URL to read  from
dim localURL as String =
"http://intouch.computer2000.com/xml/xmlonl.asp?custid=325009"& "&" &
"prodid="& ProdIDq

public shared sub Main()
Dim myXmlReadFromURLSample as XmlReadFromURLSample = new
end sub

public sub Run()
Dim myXmlURLReader as XmlTextReader

' Reading xml  from a URL
Console.WriteLine ("Initializing XmlTextReader ...")
Console.WriteLine ("Reading from URL: {0}", localURL)

' Load the XmlTextReader from the URL
myXmlURLReader = new XmltextReader (localURL)

Console.WriteLine ("Processing ...")
Console.WriteLine ()

catch e as Exception

Console.WriteLine ("Exception: {0}", e.ToString())
Console.WriteLine ("Make sure that, {0} exists", localURL)


Console.WriteLine("Processing of URL complete.")
' Finished with XmlTextReader
If Not myXmlURLReader Is Nothing
End If

end try
end sub

private shared Sub FormatXml (reader as XmlTextReader)

Dim declarationCount, piCount, docCount, commentCount, elementCount
as Integer
Dim attributeCount, textCount, whitespaceCount as Integer
Dim Element as string
Dim text  as String
While reader.Read()

Select (reader.NodeType)

case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration:
' Format (reader, "XmlDeclaration")
declarationCount += 1

case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction:
' Format (reader, "ProcessingInstruction")
piCount += 1

case XmlNodeType.DocumentType:
' Format (reader, "DocumentType")
docCount += 1

case XmlNodeType.Comment:
' Format (reader, "Comment")
commentCount += 1

case XmlNodeType.Element:
Format (reader, "Element")
elementCount += 1
if (reader.HasAttributes)
attributeCount += reader.AttributeCount
end if

case XmlNodeType.Text:
Format (reader, "Text")
textCount += 1

case XmlNodeType.Whitespace:
whitespaceCount += 1

End Select

End While

' Display the Statistics for the file
'Console.WriteLine ()
'Console.WriteLine("Statistics for URL")
'Console.WriteLine ()
'Console.WriteLine("XmlDeclaration: " & declarationCount)
'Console.WriteLine("ProcessingInstruction: " & piCount)
'Console.WriteLine("DocumentType: " & docCount)
'Console.WriteLine("Comment: " & commentCount)
'Console.WriteLine("Element: " & elementCount)
'Console.WriteLine("Attribute: " & attributeCount)
'Console.WriteLine("Text: " & textCount)
'Console.WriteLine("Whitespace: " & whitespaceCount)
End Sub

private shared Sub Format(byref reader as XmlTextReader , nodeType as

' Format the output
'Console.Write(reader.Depth & " ")
'Console.Write(reader.AttributeCount & " ")

Dim i as Integer
for i = 0 to reader.Depth - 1

'if reader.name = "DESC" then
Console.Write("1:" & reader.Name & VBCRLF & "2:" & reader.Value)
'end if

'Display the attributes values for the current node
'if (reader.HasAttributes)
'Console.Write(" Attributes:")
'Dim j as Integer
'for j = 0 to reader.AttributeCount - 1
'Console.Write(" [{0}] " & reader(j), j)
'End if


End Sub

end Class 'XMLNodeReaderSample
end Namespace 'HowTo.Samples.XML

----------------------------ASPX file----------

<%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="true" Src="XmlReadFromUrl.vb"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.IO" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="HowTo.Samples.XML" %>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="intro.css">
<body style="background-color:f6e4c6">

<form action="XmlReadFromUrl.aspx" method="post" runat="server">
<font>Input file: </font>
<a href="server/xml/books.xml">books.xml</a>
    <asp:button type=submit text="Run"
OnClick="SubmitBtn_Click" runat="server"/></br>

<table align="center">
<tr><th><span>Output from loading file...</span></th></tr>
<tr><td><h4><xmp id="output" runat="server"/></h4></td></tr>


<script language="VB" runat="server">

Private Sub SubmitBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim writer as StringWriter
writer = new StringWriter()
Dim myXmlReadFromUrlSample as XmlReadFromUrlSample
myXmlReadFromUrlSample = new XmlReadFromUrlSample()
output.InnerHtml = writer.ToString()
End Sub



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